Friday, August 12, 2011

I have an anxiety problem.?

I just recently started college and I have been having some issues trying to settle in with the new routine. I was super stressed out the first day because I didn't know what to expect, I came home with a headache. Then one of my classes ended up getting changed into a Gym class, where students exercise one day then get lectured the next, no one told me that there were going to be days that we get lectures so i ended up showing up in my gym outfit..arugh. So i am angry and stressed out about that, because I didn't know what everyone else apparently knew, I had to request a syllabus from the teacher cause i guess he forgot to give me one the first day of class, which we spent in the gym, anyway so that class ends finally and I realize i have no time for lunch since my art class is about to start, so i rush to my art class almost in a panic and stop before coming into the door because I notice there are alot more students in the class then there were the last two days, students I didn't recognize, so that made me paranoid that I was walking into a class that hasn't dismissed yet and by this time my hair is turning gray and im freaking out, so i walk in anyway and it turns out I guess for the first couple of weeks in class students are dropping out and enrolling into classes like its try out week or something. Anyways ..I came home with another headache today. I always try to prepare myself as much as possible but it feels like even when I do something comes up unexpected and I end up freaking out. I feel like I am always the one in a panic when everyone else is chill. I think I need pills or something... Any advice?

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